Monday, September 8, 2008



So GPS technology has come a long ways sense the pluggers of the military.

If your wondering what sort of unit will do, here's a bit of info:

The primary requirements of which ever unit you use are
  1. It can download data from a computer
  2. It can be mounted to your handlebars
Anything from an old Garmin GPS12, an eTrex to a modern super-wammy Street Pilot will do the job.

I like to make a general categorization of GPS Receivers into Map capable and non-map capable units.

In our game, mostly the GPS unit will be used in compass mode so you can utilize the Compass Bearings as you follow the Route and Roll Charts finding your way along the route and to the hidden GeoCaches.

The Compass Bearings (guided by your Roll Chart) will be more important in some sections than just following the Route alone, due to constant satellite loss. When we get out to the Cinder Hills OHV area, this will be most important!

One advantage of the Map capable units is the software will allow rerouting if one "gets lost."

However, I must send a word of caution to the wise: Many of the roads available on the current GPS mapping software for all the makes of GPS units are incomplete and even inaccurate!

The maps I will provide will have many of my own additional data not available on any public maps of software (but instead from my own innumerable hours of exploration and mapping! What fun!)
That along with the Waypoint Key (and a headlamp if it gets really bad) will get you out of trouble.

Just ride within your ability and hopefully with a good buddy!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Vendor List

Roll Chart Holder
Arrowhead Motorsports
TPI Motorcycle Parts
Moose Racing
Dual Star (Phone Orders only)
Ebay listings

Space Blankets
Heavier-duty spaceblanket/shelter

Princetontec Aqua Strobe (this has been the strobe I have used for a long time and is the choice of many Adventure Racers)

Map Holders

I modified a standard trail vinyl holder to attach onto the handlebars of my bike using a sewing machine. Some folks use bar-bags, rolls, or tank bags, which all cost no less than $40.
If you need an excuse to go buy one, check out Wolfman Luggage, Dual-Star and Motorcycle-Superstore.

An economic solution would be to buy some double-sided adhesive Velcro to attach a Vinyl Map Holder to your tank...then use Goo-Gone to remove the gunk.

No matter what you do, it is highly recommended that you have the appropriate maps at view's ready.

Anyhow, here's another possibilty:
REI Bar mounted Map Holder

Good Prices, too!

When and Where?

Geocache GPS Run
When: July 17, 18 & 19, 2009

Where: Coconino Co National Forest in Flagstaff AZ

6-8pm at Macy Coffee House ( located at 10 S. Beaver St, Flagstaff AZ 86001) for:
Downloading GPS files
Recieving Roll Charts
General Game Play instructions.

Starts: 7am sharp for a 7:30am start from Macy's Coffee House (Macy's opens at 6am) for Day 1 Loop.
Be ready with a FULL TANK of FUEL!
We start together through the town of Flagstaff to the beginning of track
(then it's madness from there!).
Finish: 6pm in time for organized group BBQ for war stories, food and BEER! Pot luck- feel free to add to the feast! Location details TBA.

Start: 8am at Macy's Coffee House for Day 2 Loop. We Start together once again to the beginning of the track.
NLT 8pm at Beaver Street Brewery (across the street from Macy's) for the best local beer and amazing food.

Waypoint and Route Files

Coming soon!

Camping Information

  1. There are reportedly nearly one hundred motel/hotel options in the area.
  2. Camping in the National Forest is permited up to 14 days with certain areas open to responisble ground fire pit use.
  3. Campgrounds with facilities are available in the area as well...I will gather locations and other info soon!
Please feel free to contact us with any questions regarding places to park yourself and your machine for the weekend. We will try to provide as much information and resources as possible regarding camping regulations. However, girls and boys, ultimately it will be each rider's responsibility to know the forest regulations.

Roll Chart List


Recommended Equipment

The Geocache Rally on Saturday is primarily off-road, so one should dress for the occassion...but none of this is required, just HIGHLY recommended. Be safe and make sure you can finish!

1. Boots that give ankle and shin protection such as DS or MX Boots.
2. Full-faced Helmet
3. Knee Pads and elbow guards

4. Small Trauma kit (aka: guaze wrap, maxi-pad, superglue, duct tape and vitamin M)

I also recommend:

5. Mounting you GPS to your cockpit, as opposed to your handle-bars
6. Leave your luggage at camp, go light as possible.

7. Oh try to bring some sort of magnetic Compass, electronics have a tendency to fail.

Mandatory Equipment Checklist

To Play your gonna need some stuff:

The Minimum:
1. Road Legal Moto capable of 100++ miles per tank
2. GPS Receiver capable of downloading data from computer
3. Roll Chart Holder (See List of Vendor sources)
4. Scotch Tape and Pen
5. Resettable Odometer

The Rest (Proper Adventure Gear)
6. Equipment to Change Flat and other messes
7. Helmet

8. (qty: 2) 1 Liter bottles of water
9. At least one extra Energy bar in case you BONK. And I mean an EXTRA one...hide it for emergencies.
10. Personal Space Blanket

11. Mobile Phone
12. Signal Strobe or White flashing bicycle light
13. Loud Whistle or motorcycle horn
14. Headlamp or flashlight (bring a little one)

Be Responsible, be safe, have way too much fun!

Provided Equipment

I Will Provide the following for the Gameplay:

1. All roll charts
2. All maps
3. Waypoint Key Book
4. Downloadable Routes
5. Geocache Coordinates in two formats: lon/Lat (MinDec) and UTM
6. List of Maps for Researching needs

7. Emergency Contact
8. UTM Card image for downloading
9. Free Group Camping
10. Fuel Transport To Anderson Mesa intersection (Rider provides own fuel and container)
11. Locked U-Haul Truck at Camp Site